Business Building

Most people see their lack of money as the source of their problems or the major obstacle on their path to their success. They feel that they can't get the results they want because they simply can't afford it. It then turns into their excuse... "I can't quit my job, because we can't afford to live on one income... I can't start my own business, because I don't have the start-up money... I'll never be able to compete with the other online businesses, because they are making more money than I am... So, I'll just give up."

Whether you believe it or not, you can build a business, you can come home, even if you are on a budget. It only becomes seemingly impossible when you try to use the same methods as someone who isn't on a budget.

What a lack of funds creates is greater creativity, and thankfully, the internet is a great vehicle to express many cases for free. However, unless you have the right mindset to begin, even the best internet marketing strategies will produce you very little, if anything.

So, to get in the right frame of mind, remember...first comes the thought. Change your thought pattern from one of "lack" and poverty to the mindset of success and prosperity. Commit to developing yourself through courses, books, cd's, etc. Increase your value and the more valuable you become, the more money you'll make.

If you want to either afford to stay at home or become your own boss, then implement one or more of the following strategies to build your home business on a budget:

1. Create a Squidoo site. Squidoo is a site that allows you to create a special webpage, or lens, around a topic of your choice. It's simple to create and is a powerful way to get free traffic. Start by creating a lens that establishes you as a leader and an expert. So pick a topic you are passionate about. To get started in creating a Squidoo lens, go to Need an example? You can check out my lens on Squidoo at How to Afford to Stay Home.

2. Post online videos. Online video sites like YouTube are creating celebrities overnight. Videos offer some of the best opportunities to get a lot of free traffic to your site. It's a very cost-effective way to share your message to a great number of people in a easy and quick manner.  If you need to purchase a video camera on a budget, then consider the Flip video camera.  It's inexpensive, very easy to use, and it will automatically upload your videos to YouTube, if you choose.

Next, create content that is of value to your target audience, those who are frustrated with where they are now and need the solutions you have to offer.  Remember, people will only accept what you have to offer if you can demonstrate that you have equal or greater value than they do.  So you want to come across as a confident leader.  This means you need to be dressed appropriately and the background of your video needs to match the message you are sending.  Research states that 95% of all human to human communication is visual.  Confidence is also expressed in your choice of words and how you speak.  Speak clearly, with conviction in what you are sharing.  Your goal is to demonstrate your value and position as a leader.

Finally, you need to call your prospects to some type of action.  You need to tell them what to do next or where to go next...perhaps to your blog or to your Squidoo page.  Make it irresistible.  Create a catchy title and then begin marketing your video.

3.  Create a blog.  For fast and reliable traffic for your business, a blog can be your best tool.  A blog is one of the easiest ways to establish an online presence and to begin branding yourself.  With a blog, you can get free traffic from search engines, social marketing websites and even from other blogs.  Blogs are looked at as more "credible" than ads, brochures, and other types of marketing.  As a result, visitors to your blog are less likely to have their guards up while reading your content as long as you are providing valuable information.

In choosing a topic, ask yourself these questions:

  • Who is your ideal market?  What do they fear, want, need and desire?
  • What angle of your market will you focus on?
  • Who are your major competitors?  
  • What is the specific goal you want to achieve with your blog?
Take time out to reflect on these questions, using your answers to determine your blog topic.  Next, decide on the platform for your blog.  A popular stand alone platform is  Other hosted blog platforms include or  Review the pros and cons of each and determine the best for you and your budget.

There are many other ways to build a business on a budget.  Watch for future blog posts for other ideas and ways to build your business at a price you can afford.

Any comments, thoughts or feedback to share?

I hope this information was of great value to you!  I know it was very valuable to me as I began building my business.  If it was, please share it with others!  FB it, Tweet it and share the word!

To your fear-free success,