Transforming Fears

Fear is defined as an emotional response to a perceived threat. The key word here is "perceived". Whether true or not, a perceived fear can be immobilizing to many. A fear can be based on a prior personal experience or it can be imagined based on one's view of the world around them.

Whatever the source of the fear, a fear can keep you from forward movement. Fear, whether imagined or real, can become an insurmountable wall on our path to success. So when you encounter a fear that's holding you back, what do you do? Do you give up and return to your comfort zone? Do you sit and "wish" the wall away? Do you push against the wall with all your might, trying to use force to move it? Or do you find a way around it?

If we do nothing about our limiting fears, then it will immobilize us and block our path to true happiness and success. We all have fears, but how we deal with our fears is what makes the difference between someone who succeeds and someone who fails.

Successful people have learned how to walk around their wall of fear and continue on their path to freedom. In short, they have learned how to transform their fears into freedom.

As you begin your path to freedom, I challenge you to acknowledge, then release your fears by asking yourself the following questions:
  • What am I afraid of?
  • What do I gain by holding on to this fear?
  • What is the cost of holding on to this fear?
  • Is the fear undeniably true?
  • Who would I be without this limiting fear?
  • Who would I be if the opposite of my fear were true?
  • What steps can I take to move forward?
Take time to ask yourself these questions and journal your responses.  Please share your thoughts, insights, and feedback with us all by leaving a comment below.  In future blog posts, we will explore fears further.

And if you enjoyed this post, then please share it on Facebook and Twitter.  Thank you!  Hope you find this post valuable!  I know it has been life changing for me!

To your fear-free success,

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